Sunday, July 30, 2006

The newspaper is being delivered to my house! ^_^
Now I can read the news. -.-
And read printed comics! ^_^

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Secret Identities

When I was young, I used to play dress-up. I would play at being someone I was not, not because I wished to mask who I was, but because there were people I aspired to imitate.

Later, I learned a bigger game of make-believe. We wear masks, we dance, the ballroom music fades into the background of the alter-ego charade, the super-hero masquerade.

Superhero's wear a mask as protection from "normal" people. But being "normal" is a myth we make up to allow society to follow civilized rule. Each individual has a unique spin on the world and how events, people, and things relate. We are all, in our own way, unique. We are 'special just like everyone else'.

Villians wear masks as well. The way we act as villians is when we gain delight at the misery of others. When we are so desperate for attention and/or affection that we put other people down in order to build up ourselves, then we are acting in a selfish role, one with little regard for others, at least in the moment. A villian cannot find lasting peace in promoting self at the cost of others...sometime the price must be paid and if you take a person's life, then your life is in forfeit. Of course, the rules can change.

Sometimes a villian will step back and realize what he/she has done and repent and change his/her ways. Sometimes a hero will do something wrong, sometimes not even on purpose and cause the death of a loved one or comrade.

When we take on a mask, we use the mask to harm or help others.
I hope any identity I take will be to help others.
However, pobody's nerfect.

So what did you think when you masked yourself in a blog?
What was your purpose?
Did you try to hide yourself on purpose? Why/why not?

I prefer to mask negative feelings and post postive things because I get tired of angsty feelings.
My aim is to encourage others and hopefully constructively deal with negative emotions along the way.
I try not to completely mask myself because, despite the fact there is one person who I hope will not read and comment on my blog, I want to be upfront and honest with people.

Once upon a time, I created an online gender ambiguous identity because I wondered if unknown people would relate to me differently. I found that to be untrue (except for those annoying spam and ads which seem to be MUCH worse for guys, imo). That experiemental online identity is now discarded and is probably being used by someone else and it was interesting, but I doubt I will ever do that again. I'm quite happy to state that I am female. =P

I have found secret identities mask names, faces, gender, age, and many more factors that I have no reason to hide at the moment. I wonder what motivates other people to put on a mask. Curiosity? Pain? A bad experience? All three of those have motivated me and quite a few others, namely fear and guilt. I would rather not remember that. So what is it? Why do you mask your identity?

Monday, July 24, 2006

Dear God, please make me strong enough to pull through, and knowledgeable enough to know what to say, and wise enough to know if that's going to make a difference. Thank you for your people who are there to listen, even though they are human, too and probably going through their own sets of problems. May we humans remember to rely on you. Amen.

Friday, July 21, 2006

On Sunday, I turn 24.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

What do you see what you look at the moon?

I see the moon staring back at me.

The moon reminds me of a haiku I read in high school that was explained to me as being about this person reaching out for a dream and not being able to reach it. So I am reminded of lost dreams, sometimes, when I look at the moon.

Other times, when the moon is full, I am reminded of coyotes howling and of lonely people.

I also think: if God is like the sun shining light on everyone, then people are like the moon reflecting the light of the sun. People, like the moon, have more than one side and more than one phase. The moon and people have one side that brightly reflects light and another side that hordes darkness. The moon and people can sometimes show no light and other times be full of light. Can a moon become a sun? It would take a miracle. (Yet, many people dream of being stars. =P)

The moon haunts my thoughts and I wonder, when I look at the moon, what our faces look like.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006


Since your accomplishments are seldom noticed,
and you are rarely thought of, you are expendable.
That doesn't mean your job isn't important but if you
were in Star Trek you would be killed off in the first
episode you appeared in.

Click here to take the Star Trek Personality Test

Thursday, July 06, 2006


i'm staring at a big blue balloon that i got july 3
(it's actually a blue balloon inside of a clear balloon)
and thinking about returning to 'book soup'
(with my family because we like reading)
i read the first few chapters of an autobiography
in the smaller bookstore
and skimmed a comic book or two
while simultaneously looking at this book on cosplaying
and found a book about walmart that looked interesting
oh, yeah, there were some funny cards
Oh, and then there's 'brookstone'
with all its gadgets and there was a robotic cleaner thing that kept trying to break free
and soft cushiony towels and the most comfortable socks I've ever felt in my life
and i bought five movies for twenty dollars at GameStop
(2 3episode dvds of 'halibane renmi', 'orphan', 'charlie's angels', and 'the road to bali')
i ate Thai food at the mall and had yummy leftovers
i would like to buy the other two dvds of 'halibane renmi', but they're $24 ea. at Fry's
i was tempted to buy 'the man from snowy river', 'finding nemo', and 'seabiscuit'.
shopping on the third of july was a lot of fun. ^_^